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Systemic Cognitive Strategy Practice (SCSP)

Systemic Cognitive Strategy Practice (SCSP) is a term used to describe the conduct of deep, critical, system based, futures (fortuitive) thinking. Likely conducted by a specialist group of talented and committed individuals found across the corporation, the SCSP team is expected to elevate the practice of strategy practice; from conceptualisation of future outcomes, to the management and control of a program of organisational transformation and renewal. SCSP individuals will be closely aligned with the operation of an organisational learning and development function.

  • SCSP is complimentary to open strategy practice, cardholders are charged with the conduct of problem-specific, deep-dive strategic analysis. 

  • SCSP members may include:

    • those possessing advanced insight and a comprehensive analytical capability from a strategic perspective,

    • those who are keen to get involved with the continued evolution of the corporation of the future, or

    • those occupying an informed position in the company (for example, the organisational learning cohort, customer service officers, holders of intellectual property or incumbents in some form of specialist role).

  • The core SCSP group will represent a privileged membership of individuals drawn from across the business and from outside the business when suitable. 

  • The group will be supported by members of a more broad based, strategically focused group who are members of a corporate specific ‘Community of Strategy Practice’ (COSP).

Video: Elements of Systemic Cognitive Strategy Practice, enabling critical strategic thinking

Innovative strategic thinking and business strategy

Author of the Living Company and one  time CSO, Shell Arie de Geus was an early promoter of the concept of a learning organisation. A recap of his ideas is presented in the video, opposite, it describes how they align with the philosophy adopted by BHP Ltd as it sources support, and funds for its internal Venture Capital (VC) program. Spoiler alert, they do not run them for the purpose of building new green shoot business opportunities. As discussed by Australian Financial review journalist, Peter Ker. BHP though, is not the only organisation brining VC investment in house. Others include Telstra, Westpac, and engineering consultancy GUD. References:

  • Peter Ker, BHP, RIO: Why big corporate venture capital will survive the coming downturn, Australian Financial Review, June 12, 2023

  • Arie de Gues, Planning as Learning, Harvard Business Review, Mar - Apr, 1988.

An obscure source of Organisational Learning

And by definition, professional career development

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