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What if? Why not? Renegades approach to organisational learning at Best Buy

Welcome to the new normal in a post-global pandemic era. What does this era hold? In an interview with Accenture, CEO of the US based renegade retailer Best Buy, Corie Barry, provided us with some interesting observations. Starting with the consumer, Barry observed that the days of brand loyalty are over. Rather than a stale, forced, 'take this medicine' kind of approach to shop floor sales, shoppers are looking for a pleasant, hassle-free, and personalised adventure. While this may not be news to many, it is Best Buy's strategic response that is important for all strategy practitioners to understand.

Taking a decidedly renegade approach to the implementation of change, Barry noted retailers must dramatically change their approach to retailing by offering dynamic service solutions that provide customers with a ‘real sense of personal discovery’. Essentially, Barry is promoting an approach that answers two questions that have been emitted from customers' lips when 'shopping around' for that experience. They are simple and have been apparent for centuries: they are "what if? and, why not?"

In the executive development program we present on this website, we invite you to ask yourself those questions when considering whether or not to subscribe to the on-line courses presented here. Let me ask you: What if taking our renegade oriented approach to strategy offers a far superior, empathetic experience? As we promise, it does. Secondly, let me ask: why not be a renegade yourself by viewing the complimentary Strategy Whisperers’ course to gain some insight? You have nothing to lose.

As new normal’ s are proposed daily, we at the PH Strategy and Leadership are amazed that rather than diminishing in value, our course content is becomes even more relevant. The greater the complexity, uncertainty, volatility, and ambiguity, the greater this dynamic approach to strategy practice that we refer to as Third Wave Strategy practice prevails.

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